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The Jackson Prep Education

Students enrolled in Jackson Prep are placed in a school program in which all students matriculate to a college or university. The college prep course of study is designed to enable all students to satisfy the admission requirements for post-secondary studies and to be competitive in obtaining college scholarships.

Lower School

The Jackson Prep Lower School nurtures, inspires and prepares children to reach their God-given potential through exploration, discovery, and excellent instruction while guiding them to become academically prepared, compassionate, upstanding members of the Jackson Prep family and beyond.

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Middle School

Jackson Prep’s Middle School provides a natural bridge that transitions students from elementary to high school through age appropriate experiences.  Nurturing faculty help students develop academically, physically, socially, and emotionally as they navigate the challenging adolescent years.

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Honors & Advanced Placement Program

Prep students who desire a greater challenge may apply for admission to the honors program. The honors program targets the top students in each grade and prepares them for Advanced Placement (AP) classes.

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Classical Heritage

The Classical Heritage program offers students the opportunity to focus a portion of their education on the literature, languages, and cultures of ancient Greece and Rome.

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